Kaon provides a broad range of skills and services in the Sonar domain. We have been developing Open Architecture network sonar for over 10 years. In addition to the systems development and consultancy services we can provide we have in depth expertise of post mission and trials analysis. We excel in the ability to offer innovative in the display visualisation and automatic signal detection and classification systems.
We have a very long unblemished track record in providing reliable and robust sonar Data Recording solutions that work first time. We are renowned for our skills in interfacing to a very wide variety of array geometries, these include telemetries such as Fibre Channel, Hotlinks, ATM, and Taxi and also custom digital and analogue interfaces.
The systems developments we have undertaken in the Passive sonar domain include:
Narrowband, Broadband and Innovative spatial awareness displays
Active intercept
Transient automatic signal detection and classification systems
Lofargrams, Demons and Verniers displays/processing
Contact followers
The systems developments we have undertaken in the Active sonar domain include:
LFA active receivers incorporating CW and MF processing/displays
Multi octave transmit wideband transmit systems
Echo repeater systems
Multi-static contact sharing